Ghatrehee Law Firm PLLC attorneys also advise clients on planning for charitable contributions including counsel and advise on making direct gifts and bequests to private and public charities, gifts of real estate and other property, creating charitable gift annuities, charitable lead trusts, charitable remainder trusts, gifts of life insurance, gifts of retirement plan assets, and the creation, implementation and operation of private foundations.
We can help you answer these frequently asked questions:
- What tax deductions will I receive for my gift?
- What verification of my donations are needed for tax purposes?
- Wat assets can I use to make a gift?
- What tax forms do I need to make a planned gift?
- What sort of gift plan also return income to me?
- I've heard that transferring gifts of IRA assets to charity is advantageous. Why?
- I'm interested in establishing a charitable gift annuity. What financial provisions are available
for the income payments to me and my spouse?
To receive an answer the the questions above or simply if you would like to ask us a question that was not mentioned above, use the contact form and submit your questions to our firm.